Tuesday, June 22, 2010

When bad things happen!

(Before I hurt my leg, when things upset me, I would go for a run and cry, I would run as fast and hard as I could, with tears running down my face, in the middle of nowhere, so no one would see me!)

"why do bad things happen to good people?"...i know you've heard this come hurling out of people's mouths.

I had someone comment to me, "why do things keep going wrong in your life?". I don't look at it that way, I look at it like, THIS IS LIFE! STUFF HAPPENS, GOES WRONG, HURTS US, WE LOSE THINGS....PEOPLE, OUR HEARTS GET BROKEN.
But you know what...we always go on. Our hearts heal (eventually), our broken spirit can be healed, we grow back stronger.

Just like when you work out and your muscles are sore, you've torn them, them rebuild, STRONGER & MORE BEAUTIFUL than before. That is how our lives are, our hearts break or spirit gets torn into sadness or depression, but when we heal, we ARE ALWAYS STRONGER & MORE BEAUTIFUL!

It's funny because I make videos about how to put make-up on to feel more confident and beautiful, but what I really care about is making beautiful hearts!

I had a really disappointing thing happen a couple weeks ago, I was crying, sad, depressed, and a little angry inside. (ALL things I DO NOT like feeling!) After I had a tear stained, swollen-eyed face, I heard something! I think it was Joel Osteen, and he said, "don't worry about anything that happens or doesn't happen, God knows why it didn't work out, he was most likely protecting you from something"..And maybe whatever you went though is the very something that would make you and change you into something and someone stronger and more amazing!

I was putting lotion on my legs the other day after I got out of the shower, and I was looking down at both of my legs. My left leg has no scars and my right leg looks like JAWS attacked my leg (with the scar from my leg accident), but the funny part is, I have to do so many exercises with it at Physical Therapy, that my right leg (my hurt one), has more muscle definition than my good leg! Physical Therapy hurts, sometimes I feel like I can't do the things they have me do, my muscles and leg hurt and burn, when the scrub and break the scar tissue down, I want to yell in pain. But you know what, when they break down the tissue it gets softer, it heals, it because less hardened and more beautiful. That's what happens in our lives, when we go through things that hurt (a break up, the loss of someone, depression, something mean someone says or does to hurt us, losing a job or opportunity, just hurting), the process we go through to heal, makes us STRONGER, our hearts softer, we are less hardened and MORE BEAUTIFUL!

The saying that I always say about a broken mirror reflecting more light is true...some people that have shattered mirrors, sit in the middle of all the broken pieces of mirror, they sit and cry and bleed from the broken pieces, and others like us, pick up all the broken pieces glue them back together carefully, and we are left more sparkly, more reflective, shining brighter than we did before!

Now when things go wrong, something disappoints me, I think, "NO! This is not bad! This is an opportunity for me to be strong, develop more endurance, more determination, and be truly stronger when I'm done with all this!" God knew this would happen, and I know he's protecting me from something, or getting this out of the way, because something better is coming along!

Today when things go wrong, you miss your flight, your stuck in traffic, you don't get accepted for something, a boyfriend or girlfriend breaks up with you or has hurt you, you lose your job...SAY, "This is happening for a reason, I may not see it now, or know why, but there is a reason for this, and I KNOW this is happening for a purpose!"
huge love, from your fellow shattered mirror, that's shining brighter, friend, kandee

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