Wednesday, June 23, 2010

THANKFUL for what!?!

(This picture says: "for what!?!" perfectly)

Every day, with everything we should be thankful!
NOT: you should be thankful FOR everything, but THANKFUL IN EVERYTHING!
We may not be thankful that our car broke down, that we are sick, that our heart is hurting...BUT we can be thankful that we have a car that can be fixed, or that we even HAD a car, thankful that we might be sick, but at least we are alive, breathing in oxygen today...and we can be thankful that even though our heart might be hurting...we have a heart that is beating that allows us to feel and live!

Things in my life have not always been filled with, "oh goody, this is happening now!" moments, but in all these things in my life, I WILL be thankful.

I remember the first movie set I ever worked on, and the actress that I had to do make-up on, made me cry with her mean remarks to me...I remember when it was time to leave, morning after morning, and meal after meal, listening to her talk....I remember telling her "thank you"...she didn't know it, but I was thanking her, for her showing me how NOT to treat people EVER, how not to be filled with hurt and spread it around to everyone you see...I was thankful that I didn't have to be around her anymore! ha ha ha! In all her mean-ness, and making me feel so hurt, I was thankful that, the hurt she made me feel, I would make sure I NEVER, EVER, EVER said or did anything like she did.

And I remember living in a run down old house, that smelled like mold and was tiny and dark, my life was very sad at that time, but I remember being thankful for food, thankful I was alive, thankful for my babies, thankful that I could see the sunshine and beautiful plants when I would go for a walk.

No matter what you are going through, or what has fallen apart, or is broken in your life, if your car is broken or your heart is broken...BE THANKFUL IN ALL THINGS! All broken things, eventualy get fixed, or they stay where they belong in the junkyard. That goes for cars and relationships...sometimes they both belong in junkyards! ha ha ha Remember there is a reason these things are happening....
My gramma always said:
Pain is inevitable, misery is optional!
Pick your heart and your happiness up off the floor, if that's where it fell....tie a ribbon of thankful around your heart, and watch how your day will change!

huge love, huge hugs, and know that I am thankful for you, yes you, with the eyes that are reading this right now, I'm thankful for your eyes...your heart....for letting me into your day....i love you and your eyes...thankfully, your kandee

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