Saturday, June 26, 2010

Love Sharing

Sometimes the greatest thing we can scratch that...THE greatest thing we can do is to share love...
I love make-up and fun things like shopping, getting all dolled up...but greater than all that...more important to my not becoming famous for doing make-up, my dream is not to become the most well known make-up artist, it isn't to work on celebrities...(I've already done that for years now!)

WHAT MEANS the MOST to me? When I hear that people have been more touched by something I've said or blogged about. Our beauty on the outside is fun to decorate, but I want to decorate hearts, share my love, share my happiness, share my sadness...and how in the middle of my sadness, my heart grew strong!
Today I got to go surprise, Kimberlee, for her birthday, at the stables where she rides her horse. Her mom had arranged it all! She cried when she saw me and I hugged her! To feel love and impact I had on her heart....made me want to cry too!
I had such a fun afternoon with her whole family, and to hear how I had been able to encourage her heart through some hard what truly is the desire of my heart! She had hope and joy, and was inspired...she didn't just learn how to put eyeliner on...make-up comes and goes, but your heart is there trying so hard to beat with happiness everyday!
(thanks kimee, hayley, stephanie, and donna, I had a wonderful day! Especially since I hadn't been on a horse since I was about 13!)

Then, I heard a sweet voice ask from behind, "ARE YOU KANDEE JOHNSON?"....
I got to meet Cami...
who was so adorable I just wanted to hug her and tell her how cute and precious she was! To hear these girls say how my blog has encouraged them (and all of you reading this!)...means more to me than anything! I'd stay up all night typing, to know that I am sharing love and happiness and watering the gardens of your hearts!

I just want to say thank you, to all of you who come up to me and tell me, or write me comments (and I do read them all!)...thank you, for letting me be part of your day, your life, and your heart!

I am honored beyond words! I love you all, and there are no words, at all to describe what my heart feels to be able to inspire and love you! Thank you for letting in to your are in all in mine...and please, if you ever see me..come up and say hi, and let me hug you!

you're more beautiful than you know,
more talented than you think,
and more LOVED than you can IMAGINE!!!

huge love from my heart to yours, your friend, kandee

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