Friday, June 25, 2010

I'm so EXCITED!!!!

We have just 2 days until GLAMINAR day on sunday! I am soooo excited to get to meet everyone, inspire your hearts, fill you will love, hope, knowledge, and everything you need to make your dreams happen! Yes, it's about make-up...but so, so, soooo much more! There are things in store that we've never had at any Glaminar before, and probably won't be able to do again! ha ha ha

This is our 1 year "glam-a-versary" of the Glaminars! So this one's gonne be good!
I am so honored, that the girls that started the Kandee's Glaminar Scholarship Winners page, started a discussion about an "AH-HA" moment they had from me....and my heart was just sooooo excited to see that not one comment was about MAKE-UP!!!! It was about their hearts! Make-up is fun, but to touch someone's heart is something that no price can be put upon, no words can describe! I have to say, they love that the girls on that page show each other is awesome!!! I am so proud to see me "lil' kandee family" loving each other and spreading their joy and encouragement with each other!

OH YES! I will be at IMATS on saturday!
I'm having a meet up at IMATS- SATURDAY at the URBAN DECAY BOOTH at NOON! booth # 328

PLEASE, please if you see me, don't be scared to say hi! I'd love to say hi, hug you...and if you want to take a picture with me....i'm not scared either! ha ha ha

I can't wait to see you all there!!! My secret....go early before they sell out of everything! If you go in the afternoon, or late in the day, they sell out of everything!

oh yes, here's a little video I made explaining it all! I made it after working on the computer for a couple hours and I was trying to go to sleep but then I forgot.."Oh NO!!! I forgot to make my imats, meet up video!" here's what 1 am looks like with me! ha ha ha ha

Don't give anyone the power to ruin your day today! This day is yours, God gave it to you to be wonderful...enjoy this gift day of life. Smile at a couple extra people! And I love ya!
I care about your hearts...and I am sending you a huge FRIDAY hug!!!
xoxo kandee

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