Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Imperfect Christmas Eve & Kristie Tunick

heavy hearts, hurts and sadness...

man, sometimes our dreams of a perfect "movie like" Christmas make our hearts so sad because our "real" Christmas is just not looking like our dream one! ha ha ha ah

Maybe our family is not the greatest, maybe one person always manages to hurt you or make you feel bad, or is just awful to be around!It could be anything I blogged about, relationship, stress, money, feeling alone...

Release it right now!! There is probably not ONE perfect's ok. I am having an imperfect Christmas..and you know what? It's ok.

NExt year I'm gonna make it a real hum-dinger of a Christmas! It's ok if I couldn't get my kids all the things they wanted, it's ok since I just moved and everything is still unpacked, it's ok that baby is coming soon and I don't feel ready, it's ok if I don't get to be with all my family, it's ok that some family is not so pleasant to be around, it's ok that Christmas is normally my favorite time of year, but this year just doesn't feel like feels crazy...
just moved last coming in just a couple few weeks, nothing is put away, I couldn't even get all my decorations out...lots of stressful situations with so many things in my life I'd be writing for hours...ha ha ha ha

But you know what? It is alright...everything is gonna be ok...
I sometimes think that God allows all this to happen to me, so that my heart will grow stronger, and  my attitude will be even more gratetful when things go great! And that maybe by my heart hurting, it will help encourage someone else that is hurting too...

and then there was Kristie Tunick....
This whole thing with Kristie Tunick...started off by me and my big heart wanting to help a girl who left me a messages and then on my phone, crying, saying how she was scared to die, only had 3 weeks to live, and wouldn't make it to Thanksgiving. I have to tell you, I had a funny feeling in my stomach about her from the very beginning, but I just ignored it, and thought I was making it up. (I should have listened to that feeling!)...
I have no idea if she is even really sick with anything...I just believed that since 20/20 on ABC did a natioanl news story on her "mysterious" disease it must be legitimate. When I talked to her she sounds like she's on heavy medications, she rambles about things, talks about topics that don't really have anything to do with her health. At first I thought this was just her way of dealing with her "impending" death.
Trying to help her has turned into a huge stressful mess for me...I could write about it, but I made this video to help explain. Please watch the end, I received a nasty email from her after I wrote her an email about feeling betrayed and not wanting any more correspondence with her.
THIS IS WHAT I  EMAILED HER after Brian and Kristie kept trying to contact me about a diaper bag they sent me:
Hi Brian...I couldn't find the return label attachment it was just the tracking number. And don't worry you guys don't need to get me anything, it would be more of a blessing if you used that money to help take care of your expenses. I will return it, things are a little crazy as baby is coming soon, I just moved, adn have 3 others to take care of! ha ha ha

I will not be able to correspond very much any longer as all of the things with Kristie have and are continuing to be a huge source of stress, which I need to be free from for the baby right now.

This has had a very negative effect, from me trying to help. I feel slightly betrayed, as when Kristie contacted me crying saying she was scared to die and would not make it to Thanksgiving, I really put a lot of things on line to reach out and help. I am a very "beleiving" person and give everyone the benefit of the doubt. When Kristie told me she only had three weeks to live and didn't want to die, I wasn't about to ask if they doctor told her that, is she just came up with that number as a possible time frame to live. And in my trying to help is rallied a lot of others to want to help too.

I read through some of the texts Kristie had sent me, and missed something she sent. She mentioned dealing with all these "born again Christians" who keep emailing her. This deeply offended me, as I am one of those  "born again Christians". My faith is what fills me with joy, gives me peace, and God is the very foundation of my life. I am very sorry, I do feel that Kristie is very sick, but not me, nor anyone can truly help Kristie at this point. God is the creator and ultimate healer. I know I had sent Kristie some links to spiritually inspiration things and never heard a comment about them.

I truly hope Kristie gets the help that she needs. I owe a lot of people an explanation of what has happened, because people listened to my plea for help on Kristie's behalf...and they feel betrayed by me. And I feel like Kristie wasn't totally honest with what or who came up with her diagnosis of weeks to live I never would have posted something saying 3 weeks to live, if I had known this wasn't true. And the 3 weeks to live comment is the reason why I did the video in the first place.

I will not be able to respond as I really can't bring anymore stress into my world right now, with baby coming very soon. I relinquish Kristie and you both, to God's hands. He is the only one wise and strong enough to bear this weight.
I truly hope you both have a merry christmas. And I thank you for the kind gift, and if you do get me a return label (the box didn't even have a return address on it)...i wish return it to the company and please use that money to take care of yourselves.

huge love and may God work in both of your hearts, kandee

I think Kristie Tunick may have more than just physical problems. I  found out from someone that has a dress shop that tried to help Kristie, that Kristie asked her to make her a couture dress and to buy her a bunch of make-up, she even told the lady that she needed to make me a dress too! (I don't want a dress! I was just trying to save her life!
Others who have contacted Kristie to help have told me about odd things she has said to them, and all of them have had a weird feeling too. And Kristie would make weird statements about buying people things, and that she grew up "wealthy", and after several times of her telling me to go pick out fancy outfits to where that she would buy me...I knew something was wrong. I refused any of her offers and told her that is she was really doing badly financially, she should be using any money to help her survive. I've now heard others saying she said this same thing to them, too.

Just so everyone knows...I received no money on her behalf, I have given her no money...Kristie said she would tell people about me when the news stories came in, and I said I wasn't doing it for that, I was doing it to save her life! I don't think someone who was really dying even say such things, in hindsight. I thought at first she might seem a little weird because of all her medications she said she was on, but I think she has real serious problems. I've read more things from people about her, and everything everyone says, is exactly the same stuff she says to me. I even watched a youtube video where somone plays a clip from a voicemail and other people said, "maybe that's not even her on the voicemail", I listened and not only is it Kristie but it's her boyfriend too.

I will let you watch the video...and I just feel so awful about trying to help someone that was not honest with me...I really wish I had done this for someone that had a kind heart that really needed help, or a little baby or child that needed the help...

remember no matter who or what tried to get us down this Christmas, refuse to give them the power to deal your happiness, huge love and lots of hot chocolate, kandee

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