Monday, November 1, 2010

The Worst Make-Over EVER!!!!!!

 I love make-overs! Anything with a BEFORE and AFTER...I love could be a home make-over, a clothing make-over...anything! And what could be more fun than making over my mom!?! But when you see a video that says this:
ha ha ha know trouble is a brewin'! ha ha ha ha
 And this weekend while my mom was visiting my sister, they told me they had made a "surprise" video for me!
"YAY!!!! what could it be?????", I thought!
I got a text from one of my friend's this morning say, "I LOVE your sister's make-up video with your mom! She is so funny!".......
(look at my mom's face when my sister tells her she's just sat down to give her a make-over!" ha ha ha
IMMEDIATELY I went to Youtube to see what they had done! ha ha ha ha
.....I haven't laughed that hard in a LONNNNNNG time!

(Can you please all help me SURPRISE my sister....can you go to her youtube channel  ~click here to go to her channel~and SUBSCRIBE to her! I want to see how many people can subscribe to her...and surprise her! hee hee hee)
This was the funniest "make-over" video I've ever seen!  Watch for yourself:
my favorite part is when my mom says: "THIS DOESN'T FEEL RIGHT!"
to which my sister responds, "Sometimes things don't feel right, but they look right!" ha ha ha ha ha


now if that did satisfy your need to see my mom get all dolled a real expert make-over my mom! ha ha ha ha...(TO MY SISTER: I just had to throw that expert part in sister! ha ha ha ha )
Notice the absence of fear on my mom's face! ha ha ha ha
 This is the first video I did putting make-up on my mom! It's old....back when I had my old blurry camera! ha ha ha
We filmed this on Valentine's Day last year...this was our "we're not lonely...we're getting glam" way of spending Valentine's Day! ha ha ha ha

and here's a new one....I like all the different hair styles my mom has in each video! ha ha ha

I have a new video I did of my mom's make-u, that's super fun and sassy coming up too!!!

So here's the "AFTER" look from first my sister's video...and mine! ha ha ha
hope you liked this fun peek into make-up with our mom! Thanks mom for being such a good sport! ha ha ha

Have a beautiful first of the month! Happy November!!!!!! I have all kinds of make-up video's cooked up for November!
huge love....your kandee

WORDS OF THE DAY: "When life feels like a big storm pouring rain on your life...throw out the umbrella of frustration....and dance in the rain!"

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