Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Yay!!!! I'm in a MAGAZINE!!!

I was just looking for a magazine to buy this morning in the Los Angeles International Airport (AKA LAX)...and what do I see but the OCTOBER ( I know! We're still only in the middle of September!)....issue- the BIG ANNIVERSARY ISSUE of ELLE magazine!!!!
It's like 2 million pages thick....but I knew if I went to the "Elle Beauty" pages I might see my little ol' face! Lo and behold....I give you this picture....: (yay! yay! yay!)

may I fill you in on a little special info: I took this picture myself in my bathroom! ha ha ha ha
To think this picture I took with my little old camera made it into the pages of ELLE is so AMAZING to me!
Just goes to show you...the beauty of things...never did I think that I'd be posing in my bathroom, with my little camera...not at all a glamorous like a real glossy photo shoot, just me, my bathroom, and the "fancy" lighting around my mirror! ha ha ha
Great things can start is weird places like your very own bathroom!!!

I've had to ask 2 different strangers to take my picture with this magazine! I was actually uploading these photos on my computer when I realized I had missed my flight! Yes while I was trying to get this online for you all to plane boarded and sat on the tarmac while I stood watching from inside the airport! ha ha ha ha

Here is the picture I had Stranger #2, take while I was missing my flight:

Yes, it's the big issue with Megan Fox on the front!
And here's me with myself on the magazine page!!!

Do you think Stranger #2 thought this was weird!? ha ha ha...she did say "congrats" afterwards! The ironic thing is, I have the same make-up look on in real life as I had on in the lips and red mouth! ha ha ha weirdy!

I'm off to basque in the beauty of the San Jose Airport, type my other blog about my day with my sister: read it, it's fun:

love from the airport and ELLE magazine!!!!!!! I'm so excited!!!!!
your kandee

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