Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Turn this plane around!!!!

Who’s flying this thing!?! Well, not me, but I did get to sit there while we were still and on the tarmac!

From someone who was (and still is on occassion) very afraid of flying...I never thought I would find myself in the cockpit of a plane! Funny considering I take off and land in a plane about 15 times a month now with my "past" fear of turbulence. With  the voice of my dear friend, Tamara (that was a flight stewardess) saying:
“It’s only air, just pockets of air!”.....
have helped me not dig holes into the person sitting next to me.

*Oh, since I've been getting hundreds of emails: YES! This shirt is an awesome Keith Harring shirt that I got at the AMAZING PATRICIA FIELD STORE: you can get one for yourself HERE:

As I sat, as the airport with all my gadgets plugged in:
*computer charging
*memory card readers plugged in to upload photos and videos for you all to see
*headphones plugged in (so no one has to hear me editing my one want so hear: “hi it’s kandee!”...30 times while I try to edit the video..ha ha ha ha
...I heard a voice behind me saying:

“is that you putting make-up on?”
ME: “yes! I do tutorials on youtube!”
Pilot: “can you make me look good?”
ME: “ofcourse! I can make anybody look good!”
Pilot: “Will it make me land any smoother?”
ME: “I’ve gotta deal, I’ll make you look make us land smooth!”
ha ha ha ha

When I walked on the plane...he asked if I wanted to sit in the cockpit and get a picture! It was amazing...hundreds of buttons, switches, lights and levers! (I am even more amazed now, since I got a text from Tamara, my doll of a friend that used to be a flight attendant, telling me that people rarely even get to look in the cockpit let alone go inside, especially after all the security changes with 9/11) I am even more appreciative of this amazing little sparkly-opportunity that I was given today!)
I got to turn the air-conditioning on and the ventilation system for the plane!

It’s funny how little they see out. Here this big ol’ plane is operated by these tiny little windows with little tiny views....
AS I WRITE THIS WE ARE ABOUT TO DESCEND...IT IS WHOAAAAAA! PRETTY TURBULENT.....VERY BUMPY...whoa it just felt like a roller coaster dropping.....ahhh trying not to be afraid..trying not to be afraid....

This made me think about flying and turbulence...
life is like flying...sometimes we are just going along and we may experience some turbulence in life...we may be going through a pocket of "bad" air...but we will always come out alright.
And today we took off from the airport going the opposite direction of where we were supposed to be going...the pilot came on to tell us that "we would be going the opposite direction, but we needed to, in order to turn the plane around in the right direction to get where we were headed."

Life is like that too, sometimes we may worry thinking we are going in the wrong direction in life- in the total opposite way that we think we need to go to get where we want to be...
maybe you had to move back home, maybe the job you wanted didn't work out, maybe you have to live somewhere that you think is not where you want to be, maybe you just broke up with someone that you thought was meant to be in your future.....
but just maybe..this "opposite of where we think we need to be", is just like the plane that NEEDS to go in another direction, just to get us in the perfect line up for where we need to be to get to out "Dream" destination. We don't get to hear the "pilot's" voice telling us.."ok you're going to move to this crappy town for a few months...but because you are there you're going to meet your soulmate or meet someone that's going to help you get that dream job, or change your whole future! So hang on while we fly there to re-fuel and turn your "life plane" around!" Then we'd say, "oh okay, that's why Mr. Wonderful cheated on me and now I'm heart broken...because we needed to break up so I could fin d the REAL MR. WONDERFUL that wouldn't ever think of doing anything but adore me and be my best friend!"

So next time you feel like your plane of life, dreams or relationships is headed in the wrong direction...know that you ticket of dreams and wonderful future, already has your destination on it...we don't always see it or know it...but we are lined up to go right where we need to be, even if it looks like a detour!
huge love and happy landings and learn to enjoy the turbulence in life....your kandee
PS. you never know, the very stranger you dug your fingernails into during the turbulence, may be the very reason you had the turbulence, so you could meet! ha ha ha

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