Sunday, September 12, 2010

The most beautiful thing to travel with!

I woke up this ready to get to the airport on time....
and the driver of the car, Edward, that was taking me to the airport and I started talking...we had such an encouraging and incredible conversation, I will never forget him. At one point our conversation had been so moving he confessed he felt emotion and didn't know why but he felt like crying...tears swelled up in my eyes too. We both had opened up our hearts and shared very dear stories, which I promised him were so precious I would lock them in my heart and never tell anyone.

After he dropped me off at the airport, and we gave each other a hug good bye, and I thanked him for making my day...I was told I missed checking in by 5 minutes.
For one second I thought, "OH GREAT!"....then a peaceful rush of thoughts said, "it's ok, you were meant to be encouraged by Edward, and you were meant to encourage you can go back to the hotel and each lunch with mama...come back to the airport...there is a reason for all these delays!"

While I was hearing that I had missed the flight, the sky cap, gave me a wonderful compliment, we started talking, and he said he would help me get into a special line to avoid the crazy amount of people trying to check in. He waited with me to make sure no one would yell at me, and he told me he and his wife had their first date in that very airport where they met, and that she had died and left him alone in this cold world....
and said, "no she's just warming up Heaven for you!"
He smiled at me with a smile that lit up the airport....when he left to go back he said, "you have a great day! I love ya!".....
THEN when I got to the counter...the lady are so nice, I wish there was more I could do to help you, I don't want to charge you the $150 to get on the next plane....can you come back and I'll get you on for $50? I wish I could do more because you are so nice!"
Everyone that I saw, I smile at....
said thank you VERY MUCH!...and
have a GREAT DAY!!!
and I asked how they were doing...and somehow from my smile and shining some love out onto them....all these strangers....said I made their day or that they "loved me" when I had to leave their presence!
It's amazing how a smile, listening, and pouring out a little love, in just a conversation, changed my whole day. And it changed the day of these wonderful people I was honored enough to meet today!
If the only reason I missed my plane was to get to encourage these people and shine some love into their was worth it!

If you want to, you can read more about my day at my personal blog-diary at:

The best thing to travel with is a HUGE SMILE and letting people feel how HUGE your HEART is!
Please share a smile, a kind word, a compliment, and a big "thank you so much" or " have a great day!".....with everyone you see or meet!

huge love and even huge-er smiles...from kandee (typing this from the 3rd largest airport in the world...Atlanta)

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