Wednesday, August 4, 2010

What to do when you feel like giving up!

you know that've lost your drive, if feels like things just keep going wrong, nothing seems to be working out...your frustrated and your hope and heart feel broken. Hope may feel like it took a vacation and forgot to tell you when it's coming back!

Well I'm gonna tell you how to get hope and determination right on your shoulder...everywhere you go, like a parrot that will keep saying: "you're gonna do great things! Don't give up! You're gonna do great things! Don't give up!"

Almost everyday things happen that make me want to give up! 
Things that make me:
1. want to stop posting videos on youtube
2. quit doing make-up
3. stop trying to go after any of my dreams
4. feel like I should just give up because it's never going to work out how I think!

Do you ever feel like giving up because nothing seems to work out?

I have some words to feed your mind....
Know that the more you do right, the harder you work, the more you try to do the right thing....the more you will be attacked with feelings of hopelessness, just give up, your wasting your time, no one believes in you, nothing at all seems to be working, so just give up!

NO! Stop right there my precious lil' partner! I get this everyday! I promise. And everyday I must battle in my mind to fight off the negative comments, the hopelessness, the thoughts of depression that always seem to be just waiting to come and camp out on our minds!

Right now say: "No! We (meaning you and your thoughts, even add me in there too if it helps!) are not going down that road. We are going to be stronger for going through all these difficulties. It's the mountains we overcome that make great success stories! We have hope, and ain't nothin' gonna stop me today or tomorrow! I've got dreams to make happen, and not setback of life or person is going to stop me!"

When you have desire on your heart, you can move the mountains of life that get put in your path. Faith and hope and some determination will get you through!

When you feel like throwing in the towel....just use that towel to dry off the sweat from your brow and keep on working even harder!

When obstacles come in your way..say I am a dream-chaser, no obstacle is too large, no mountain is to tall, no ones words are going to stop me, no amount of bad news or frustration is going to hold me back either!

The more you go after your dreams, the more you are on the path to do what you love, the more you are going to have things thrown in your way to stop you, but it just shows how much you are willing to stay strong and persevere. If we all gave up as soon as soon as something became hard, no one would ever be successful. The greatest people, who've done the most amazing things have had the hardest mountains to climb, which in turn makes their stories that much more amazing!

Thomas Edison had over 10,000 different prototypes of the light bulb before it finally was right! If things are going wrong, take heart, you are in the company of the greats! Fred Astaire was told he had no talent, so were The Beatles, and even Elvis was told he was talentless!

So if you are feeling down and hopeless, plant those thoughts of hope and determination all day long! Say: this is just going to give me an even better success story!

That's what I did, when things would just keep coming against me, and getting worse, I'd just say, this is gonna make one great success story!

huge love and hope, no go get those dreams no matter what gets thrown in your way, jump it climb over it, knock it out of your path...and keep on going!
Ain't nothin' gonna keep us down....ohhh no, we got to keep on movin'!

love and hope, your kandee

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