Friday, August 6, 2010

How to Deal With Rude People:

(No Actors were harmed in the making of this photo: this was just on a movie set I was working on...this was a prop gun...and his blood is all special effects blood)

I did think this was a funny picture to use for the post title: how to deal with rude people! ha ha ha

I think everyone at some point in their day or week, comes across the path of at least one person who is rude to you.

I encountered a few people today that were extra-rude! I first thought, maybe they are just having a bad day, maybe they can't help that they lack people skills and kindness. Then as I continued to speak to rude person #1, I realized, "I think they are just rude!" Then I came across rude person #2, and again I was amazed at their rudeness! How can these people go though life mowing people over with their horrible attitudes and words?

This is what I've realized when I "get" to come in contact with these "rude-y's"...

#1. Don't let them effect you with their rudeness ~ I try to never react with what I feel like dishing out to them...that would make me just as awful as them.
To the rude lady at the cupcake shop who rudely tried to make me feel like an which I could have rudely replied, "You are one of the rudest business people I've ever dealt with...I could go on youtube and have thousands of people hear about how stinkin' rude you are and that NO ONE should ever buy your stupid cupcakes. You have the worst people skills and HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO anyone, let alone a potential customer that way you depressing little woman! I don't want anyone to ever have to deal with you or your pretentious little cupcake bakery!" BUT I DIDN'T SAY ANY  OF THAT! (i just had to think of all the awful things I COULD have said, but I don't even naturally think like that! ha ha ha)
Instead I said, "OK, sounds like this won't work out. Maybe I'll try back when you have all your ordering figured out. Have a great day, bye!"

#2. Never let these rudey ones put a damper on your happiness ~ Don't let them steal your happiness, that only lets them win with the "power of their rudeness"! The best revenge is being extra happy and not-effected!

#3. Overpower the rudeness ~ that saying kill em' with kindness is my favorite way of dealing with rude people. Nothing makes a "rudey" feel worse than when you are nice to takes the angry wind, right out of their sails!

#4. People that are rude have no clue what graciouness is ~ Graciousness is marked by kindness, sympathy, and unaffected politeness (according to the dictionary) and rude people are the complete opposite - Ungraciousness is an offensive lack of good manners. We want nothing to do with that.

#5.  Feel sorry for rude people ~ Yes, that's right, feel sorry for them, this is a horrible "disease of rudeness" that they have. I bet they have misery and anger in their lives at every turn. That's why it spills out of them like an overflowing get filled up on what's in the inside and it spills out.

#6. Spill some kindess ~ just like the "rudey's" are full of anger and misery (their bathtubs are overflowing)......make sure you fill yourself with kindness, so that kindness spills out on everyone that comes in your path, from a waitress to your grandma, to a stranger that you hold the door open for, or let go in front of you in line when you see they only have a few items and you have a whole cart full.

Rudeness only has an effect if we let it. Are there rude people in the world? Yes. Are they almost everywhere we go? Yes. Do we have to be victim to their rudeness? NO! We can choose to put up our mirror of "rude-reflection"...not only will it bounce back the rudeness that they just spit out at that our kindness will show them how "rude-iculous" they were, but also, that we WILL NOT LET IT EFFECT US or our DAY! And even if they still keep on keepin' on with their rude ways.....we can rejoice that we are not like that, and get away from them as fast as we can!

May you be a light of sparkling kindness wherever you go today...leave a path of people who feel better for having come into your presence. A big smile, a nice "thanks you so much!", and a kind, "have a great day!"...can totally bring a smile to someone's day.

A compliment, a kind smile, and something nice or encouraging...will always make someone's day better!

Let's be a huge revolution of "happy-day-maker's" where ever we go today...and every day!

typed with love from someone who battle some "rude's" all day...and not a one of them won! ha ha ha

huge love and super big smile...your kandee

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