Monday, July 12, 2010

7 Tips to Deal With HATERS

Urban Dictionary Definition: HATER-A person that simply cannot be happy for another person's success. Hating, the result of being a hater, is not exactly jealousy. The hater doesn't really want to be the person he or she hates, rather the hater wants to knock someone else down a notch. (And in their sad mind, this will make them feel more powerful!)
I get hundreds and thousands of haters leaving me comments on Youtube, everything from how I look, to how I talk, to what I wear. And then the creative haters just make up stuff up, from their own little sad minds! Some of it is so crazy, I'm  like, "how did they even think this stuff up, they must be really bored and have nothing to do!"

My friend, Olive told me about Tim Ferriss, who wrote, The 4 Hour Work-Week, I read one of his posts about haters and social media which was awesome...and it inspired me to translate some of his great ideas and write this for you guys, I did borrow some of his awesome quotes, they are famous, but so good! Click here to read his original post on Haters.

So here's my swift kick, kung fu, power-punch, iron fist, way to deal with the HATERS in your life!

1. The Hater-Ratio
 If I make a video and 100,000 people see it, and 5 people say they hate me, they just wasted 10 minutes of their life watching my video, my next video should be me punching myself in the face....I DON'T CARE, because the majority outweighed the nutso haters! You could have 10,000 people see what you are doing, wearing, dreaming of...anything, but the only thing that matters is if one person gets it! If you are the only one who gets it- that's fine! If you go to school and 10 people say, "what the heck are you wearing? Where'd you get those clothes? Nice outfit! Nice HAIR!"....WHO CARES?!? 10 people out of the hundreds you might see that day...don't let the little "hater-ratio" spoil it for the rest of the people that love you and like what you wore!

2. Oh, the poor people that take everything personally!
Never react, it's always the worst thing to do, instead wisely decide how you will happily navigate the situation! In defense mode, you just throw out random words to defend what was just flung at you - "you're attacking me, so I'm gonna attack you back"...not the best way to spend your energy. Don't even waste your time with commenting back, you'll never reach all the awesome goals in your life, if you waste your energy on replying to a hater! Some people play victim-angry-hater, in the world...they go around getting mad, and angry at anything and everything, it's probably not you, it's just you got in their line of would've been you or ANYBODY else that came in their path! So put on your "hater-proof" jacket and let them fire away, cause no comments are gonna penetrate you today!

3. The sooner you stop trying to please everyone, that happier you'll be!
Even, me, Miss I Hope Everyone Will Like Me...had to realize that NO, not everyone is going to like me. Getting online was the biggest lesson in that, Youtube, my blog, all kinds of junk, made me realize not everyone is going to like me, but that's OK! I don't need EVERYONE to like me, the ones that MATTER will LOVE me! Every great person in history was disliked or made fun of, from great actors to singers, to inventors. If you are gonna be brave, stand out, think differently, be your true will most likely have people not like you...they are scared inside, insecure, and just plain want to spill the acid that's inside them on others. “Trying to get everyone to like you is a sign of mediocrity.”-Colin Powell

4. If you don't have any haters, you better do something daring to get some!
The bigger the your dreams, the bigger your creativity, the bigger your heart, the bigger and bolder your personal style and taste is, the more criticism your going to get. It's a plain fact, the more good you do, the more determined you are, the more difference you're going to make, the more criticism you're going to get! If you're not getting any negative comments, you're probably not doing very much! ha ha ha! Focus on impact, not approval! “If you are really effective at what you do, 95% of the things said about you will be negative.” Scott Boras

5. Boring never gets teased, but out-of-the-box thinking always does!

 If you want to go after your dreams, dress how you want, think creatively and differently.. you must be willing and ready for people to think you are ridiculous, silly, and or stupid. To do anything different or interesting, be prepared to learn how to enjoy criticism. Take it as a sign of accomplishment, well if I had no dream or dressed like everyone else, ofcourse no one would say anything...I'm daring to think differently and dream even bigger! Bring on the criticism, haters! Bring it on! “If you want to improve, be content to be thought foolish and stupid.” -Epictetus

6.  The best revenge is happiness!

The best comeback for a haters:  make it OVERLY OBVIOUS  that their "hater-attack", had no effect on you! Show them how much more you love your thoughts, style, dreams, hair cut, whatever it is, that much more! Show them how much fun you're having, how much you love your life! They will be sizzling in their hate even more, once they no it had no effect on you! The old saying, "The best revenge is a life well lived", is true! Show them how awesome your life is, how happy you are no matter what anyone says. Pretty much whatever they say is just spilling out what is inside them, you pour some pepsi out of a can of Peppsi and pepsi will come out, you take a mean person filled with acidic hate, and they are going to say mean acidic words too. Don't even get angry or upset at their mean little comments, just put an even BIGGER smile on your face, maybe even a chuckle, and show them how much FUN you are having in your LIFE! 

7. Don't ever let em see you sweat!

 Adman, Phil Slott, came up with the slogan for Gillette, "Never Let Em' See You Sweat". And we're gonna do just that, never let the haters see you sweat, let them see you smile, let them see you happier than them, see you more confident, more successful, but never let them see you upset!   If you want to be brave, and stand up for your  beliefs, the way you dress, the dreams you have,  if you want to change the world...expect attackers, expect haters, expect the nay-sayers, expect the toxic words, maybe they are even from "toxic friends".  Always remember,  and I gave these my own spin...."Never Let Em Get You Upset" and"The Bigger your Smile, the Bigger your deflector shield for Haters!"

I get hater comments, but I will NEVER let them GET ME! My heart is too happy to let someone else's problem personality and mean comments ruin ME or my HAPPINESS! And I don't want haters to effect you at all either! I love you too much and you are too precious, you are strong and you're going to have too great of a future to let someone try to spoil any moment of your life with their silly words.

typed with love, kandee

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