Sunday, June 13, 2010

My dream is over!!!

Don't let delays, derail your DESTINY! 
(i heard this in church today.)
 So know matter what happens, that looks like it's the end to your dreams (you have no idea how you're dream will happen anymore), it could be the needed rest spot, on the road to your dream, that will make your DREAMS even bigger!!!

So many times I thought my dreams were over, but now that I look back at my "un-perfect" road to my dreams...I realize how perfect they actually were! Take a look at my dream-road timeline!

This is my crazy up and down, un-perfect path to my dreams, that I now see was totally perfect!

I dreamed of being an actress or fashion designer.
I get married at 17 find out I'm pregnant right before I turn 18....everyone tells me my future is over, now I'll never work in the movie biz!
I spend 2 years just taking care of my baby, but I'm in a verbally abusive and controlling marriage.
I finally leave, move home.
Go to beauty school.
Right when I graduate I get offered to work on a movie!
I love it!
Move to Hollywood.
It's hard being a single mom in LA, by yourself.  I only had my roommate or my childhood friend, Jim, to help babysit, while I worked on photoshoots and my restaurant job. I was paying $550 a month just for my son's daycare...and had to turn down jobs because I didn't have anyone to watch him.
After doing this for a while....I decide to move back to my parents.
Now I really think my dreams are over.
I meet a guy...we get married, I'm pregnant again. (Now I really think things are over.)
I work on photoshoots and tv shows doing make-up, all the way until I'm 8 months pregnant, and get offered to travel with the tv show, but I can't because I was due with my baby girl!
This marriage is not good either, we hardly knew each other when we got married.
I try to work any make-up jobs I can get....I had to have my husband bring my daughter, after I'd been there for 2 hours, to breastfeed her in the photographer's office...the client walked in and was like, "what are you doing?!?"...
My mom even drove her around so she would sleep on one photo shoot, then I would have to borrow the photographers car, drive out of the location, meet my mom, breastfeed my daughter, then when she was about to fall asleep, my mom would take off driving, and I'd go back to the shoot!

Right when we are talking about getting divorced....I find out I'm pregnant again! Oh brother! Now I'm really done with!!
I had a photo shoot for VANS shoes when my son was 10 weeks mom was up in the hotel where we were shooting with my son while he slept, then I would run up and breastfeed him, and pump milk for my mom (the only time he ever drank from bottle!). This was really hard.
I get divorced.
I am a single mom, trying to take care of my 3 kids with no money from fathers....and I have no idea how I'm going to work, since my mom was moving away!
I prayed and asked God to find a way for me to take care of my babies!
My friend tells me about youtube.
I start making videos.
I realize that touching people's hearts means more to me than any of the dreams I had of being in movies or designing clothes, or even doing make-up. I wanted to make people's hearts over, I wanted to fill them with love and hope.
My dream had a very bumpy road, that looked so far away. I remember sitting in my little tiny house, that only had a few windows, was really old and dark, crying, thinking my dreams will NEVER come true! Sitting at my gramma's house with my mom, my 3 kids, after I moved out from my husband's house, crying, again thinking...I am NEVER gonna have any of my dreams come true.
But little did I know, that, all of that was getting me to the place, I needed to be to find my real dream...and the dream wasn't even about was about all of you....reaching your hearts...pouring love into each one of you...and hopefully watering the garden of YOUR dreams!

Having my so much more than just staring your make-up career, it's about lighting a fire in your heart, filling you up with hope, and filling your heart up with love and happiness to shine in the world!

Thanks you all for being my dream come true! Each and every one of you are my little dreams! I love you and I am honored to be a part of your life!
huge huge love, your imperfect-perfect dream path coach, kandee

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