Thursday, June 17, 2010

How to Deal with Haters & Mean People

I thought high school was bad...mean girls, people saying mean things about how I dressed, that I wouldn't drink...Then after high school more mean people, beauty school had more mean people...and then doing anything online opens a whole new world of any random person can say anything they want.
Then if you're online...oh brother! Anyone can make up anything they want, post it, and other people will think it's true! I get so many mean comments on Youtube, some really sad and mean people write all kinds of mean things about me online. But the good news is, none of these people really know me. They sit behind their computers, acting really brave and bold, and gossip. Gossiping is one of the worst things you can do! We should all be finding good things to say about people, kind things, speaking words that will make people feel better. Not tearing people apart.

There are a lot of sad, hurting people in the world, and all they can do is spread their hurt, by hurting others with their words. It really is amazing to think, if someone is so upset by you, that they devote all this time and energy to being's kind of funny really! If you really don't care about someone you wouldn't even spend the time writing a mean comment, thinking of something mean to say or do...obviously these people have no lives! I am too busy to read all the mean comments people leave...I just laughed one day, when one of my friends read this post where all these people were leaving me mean comments, and one of them said, "yeah, I bet it's Kandee posting all these comments because she's mad!"....ha ha ha ha...if they only knew, I never even read any of the junk they wrote and my friend had to tell me how silly these people were that thought I even took the time to read all the garbage they wrote about me!
I have a life, and I don't have time to waste listening or reading what any hater says. Keep your hate to yourself. It's like if someone is screaming all kinds of stuff to don't have to listen, you can walk away...then what, they look like a FOOL yelling all by themselves!

HA! HA! HA! HATERS! The thing they never realize is, the joke is on them, they look like the fool who is devoting all this time to you. How special, they have nothing better in their lives than to spend their precious lives on you.

Next time you have a delete, turn on the IGNORE sign in your head, and forget whatever it is they are saying or have said. Don't read it, don't even let it come into your head. And remember, HURTING PEOPLE, HURT PEOPLE. They really are sad and pathetic, hurting, hurt, and all they have in their heart is the ability to hurt others. IT really is sad. I feel bad for them, it's like they have a disease.
And we, my precious Kandee family, know truth, celebrate kindness, and happiness...and we have the power to say: "I'm strong, wonderful, and no matter how you try to hurt's not going to work. God knows the truth about me, and that's all that matters!"

You are wonderful, beautiful, talented, creative, have a good heart, and it doesn't matter what anyone live your life amazingly! Haters are nothing more that hurt, hurters...sad, and they will NEVER have happiness in their hearts that way.

BE HAPPY! Know that people have said all kinds of things about me that aren't doesn't even bother me because I know how ridiculous their lies are. If someone said, "you're a crazy clown with a red nose!", it wouldn't bother me because I know it's NOT TRUE! Same thing goes with HATERS, I don't care what they say, because I know it's not true!

Sorry this is so long, but I had a LOT I  wanted to say to your heart! Let's be lovers not haters!

typed with love, your friend, kandee

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