Friday, June 4, 2010

The cure for sadness!

I got the priviledge to put make-up on some very precious homeless women, that lived at a shelter in downtown LA. They were funny, sweet, and had some amazing stories! And they were soooo excited to get their make-up done. This was at a celebrity red-carpet event, but it meant more to me, to meet these incredible women, than any of the celebrities.
I got a chance to pour a little love and encouragement into their lives. The other make-up artist there, was just doing their make-up. But I wanted to fill up their hearts with beauty too, by pouring my love and care onto them.

It doesn't matter who you come across...a grumpy salesperson, a mean person at school, a stranger that you hold the door open for, a friend that drives you crazy, someone that you normally wouldn't "like", someone that makes you mad on the road...BE KIND!

It might feel weird, or everything inside you might be saying, "but I don't wanna!"...that's when you need to do it the most!

The next time you feel like saying something mean or sarcastic about someone...STOP! The more you mean things about others, the more you're planting little weeds of unhappiness in your own life.
TODAY: plant seeds of happiness in the garden of your heart, by planting kindness to others, you are making your own life happier and more kind!

Today's happiness dare:
#1 Say something nice to someone
~nice things to say like: "you look awesome today", "it was so good to see you", "you just made my day with your smile", "you have a great smile", "i like your shirt (shoes, hair, bag, you pick!)" "i hope you have a great day today"...even tell someone they're beautiful!

#2 Go out of your way to be kind
~do things that AREN'T convenient, hold a door open, let a car go in front of you in traffic, help someone carry something they're struggling with, offer to help a friend in need, EVEN A SMILE, or nice "HAVE A GREAT DAY!", can change someone's day, encourage someone, tell them they're doing a good job!

#3 Do something nice for someone
~leave a nice note for your mom or a friend, if you see someone eating alone at school offer them to sit with you, help a friend move, or offer a ride to a friend that needs one

More than anything.....the happiness and kindness you pour out on others will come back to you times 10! Let's practice raining out kindness that will grown flowers of happiness in our lives!

I love you all, and I hope that happiness blooms in your heart like crazy today!!!

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