Thursday, June 24, 2010


LOCATION OF TYPING: a bed at a Holiday Inn (with the fashion tv channel on)
WHY: Last night roadtripping to the Glaminar with my mom I couldn't stay awake at 2:30am and drive anymore

.....oh little did I know the inspiration and revelation God hit me with while I sat at my little table with my food in front of me!

I first scooped up on my little plate what was left over from the breakfast...
some potatoes that were so dry they almost choked you
a "round wheel" of cinnamon french toast
as I sat there choking on my potatoes I spotted cereal hiding under a tablecloth
My one bit of advice echoed in my head: "ALWAYS ASK!!!!"
I asked if I could have some cereal....."yes!"

As I first went to grab what sounded good - FROSTED FLAKES
I saw my mom grab the healthy choice of KASHI's Heart to Heart cereal...
I decided to put my "sugar flakes" back and go for the HEALTHY choice!

And as I sat there crunching my cereal I thought:

This is like life...
If we follow what just sounds good to our desires....I want to  scream at that person because they made me mad, my life feels out of control and maybe if I cut myself I will feel a different pain, maybe I'll just eat McDonald's or have another piece of pizza, maybe I'll just sacrifice me my likes, in order to be loved from someone....

EVERYTIME we make a good may not feel great at the time, or like what we really want to do...but the GREAT CHOICES ALWAYS HAVE GREAT RESULTS....
the poor choices ALWAYS have NEGATIVE RESULTS!

What is the result of me doing this? Is it gonna feel good right now, or will it feel better later?
I may want to be loved and I'm lonely, so I start dating someone that fills that void, but they are not the best for us, they may hurt us be mean to us, but we don't want to leave them because we are scared or afraid of feeling sad.

RESULT: you stay in a relationship that is full of hurt, and eventually they will cheat on you or leave you, because they are not true "keepers of your heart", or you will stay in a horrible cycle of hurt or maybe even abuse

Every time I've made a choice that was hard, BUT I knew the right thing to was ALWAYS worth it in the end!
I decided I wanted to be a make-up artist....I worked hard, and  worked even harder...I didnt' buy myself any new clothes or shoes for a year, so I could save money to move back to LA.
Did I want new clothes? yeah! Did  I want my dream even more! YESSSS!

I decided I wasn't going to eat 3 bowls of cereal each night before I went to bed. (PLEASE NOTE: this post is NOT about eating healthy things! ha ha ha It's about wise LIFE choices) WHY? I was working out and getting in shape.
I ran and did Tae Bo videos every day. And at night I'd look at my cereal and think: Yes I want you, but I don't want the effect you're having on my body! Packing on an extra 700 calories from my 3 bowls of cereal!
THE RESULT: I got in the best shape of my life. People asked me everywhere what I did to work out. I packed food with me, I ate all day long, but healthy things: celery, whole wheat pretzels, fruit, sandwiches I made myself, whole wheat bread & turkey with spinach and cheese, Puffins cereal from a baggy, and bananas....
my body was a food furnace!
And when someone would pop up with trays of brownies and cakes (which they did every day in beauty school)....
I was like, NO WAY...I work way to hard to look like this, to let a 1 minute of me tasting that to ruin it! I remember what a brownie tastes like...I'll just think about it, then go eat my crunchy sweet apple!
(yes it's okay to indulge in yummy things, this is just an example of choices we can make and how they effect all know my love for cupcakes!)

My choices were hard...but I made the right one, and the pay off was worth it!

CHOOSE WISELY my sweet things! Choose love wisely, protect that precious heart of yours, don't let it get hurt by someone careless! Don't choose what seems good immediately, choose what will be good for you now AND in the future!!!

huge love and a healthy cereal box later...and I feel better about my cereal too!!!
xoxoxo kandee

You're more beautiful than you know,
more talented than you think,
and more loved than you can imagine!

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