Wednesday, February 16, 2011


To know me is to know my love of feather earrings...ha ha ha (especially from my friend here to see her awesome
but then
feather hair extensions came out and I thought I'd give em a try!

They are fun, fast, and super easy to put in your hair.
It's like getting highlights in your hair without damaging your hair!

Here's what you need...
CRIMPING BEADS: (as seen being held by yours truly..above)
these are the best...they come in different colors and have silicone inside to protect your hair and make them last longer...
(you cannot reuse these..once you remove the crimp beads, they are done! ha ha)
I got mine (and all my feather hair tools at:
CRIMPING PLIERS (or plain ol' pliers will get the job done too!)
PULLING get the crimping bead on your hair...
FEATHERS ( minus the weird face I am making in this picture! ha ha ha)
you can get all kinds of colors and premade bundles of feathers at famous feathers too!)
And voila! this is with my hair flipped up all weird to show you....but watch below to see how to get yourself all feather FABULOUS! hee hee

feathers and fabulousness...your friend kandee

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Justin Bieber Inspired...

Justin Bieber...
he doesn't need to impress the recording academy...people know how beyond successful he's become...
but do I have a new found admiration for the Beebs...

INSERT: the Grammy's
I had a new found respect for Justin Bieber when I saw him interviewed with Esperanza Spalding, and he genuinely told her how happy he was for her and that he liked her hair!

that is exactly why we shouldn't look for man's approval...
yes it may be nice to have a grammy to prove that  a group of people voted for you...
it may be nice to win an award for something
have a whole shelf full of trophy's or medals...
tons of people that have voted, chosen, or selected you to be the best...

but in the was all just some other person's opinion...

I don't want to live in the shadows of opinions...trying to peek out once someone has "APPROVED of ME"...I don't want to live in the seeking of approval...
because then you are just IMPRISONED to IMPRESS...
or like so many people you see in Hollywood..trying so hard to look successful, skinny, wealthy, younger than young, beautiful...or shocking...

we could spend our whole lives being a prisoner to impress people...or we can be free to say...
I know the truth in my heart...

I want you to tell yourself, right now...
I know I am talented.....I don't need someone to tell me
I know I am unique and special and am priceless...and no award needs to be given for that
I know I have things to share with the world that only I can do, create, be, design, sing, or show
Man may give out awards that can be lost, stolen or broken...
but something that can never be taken away or lost...
is knowing how special you are in your heart!

You don't need to IMPRESS for an AUDIENCE of ONE!

I am cheering you on...and give you the award of freedom!
FREE to be you, the most amazing you, that doesn't need anyone's approval to tell you how incredible you just are AMAZING...without doing a thing!!

huge love and freedom to be you, just how you are....your friend, kandee

Monday, February 14, 2011

I love you...and believe in all your dreams!

Love....not just today but everyday
everyone needs to hear that they are loved...

I may not be able to send you chocolates through the computer...but I can do better than than..
I can send you love..from my little heart to yours!

no matter how your life or Valentine's day feels...
no matter how lonely, sad, or hurting you may feel...

It doesn't matter if you have a Valentine...or have been hurt by a Valentine (ha ha ha)....
I want you to know that sometimes the greatest love you can find...
sure isn't from the "special someone" that will bring you flowers or chocolates...
I have gotten more love filled presents from my sister or one of my friends...ha ha ha

I am sending you huge amounts of love...
and treat yourself to a chocolate, a cupcake, or even buy yourself some beautiful flowers...

love is coming at you through this computer....

i made this video to pour some love into your heart and encourage you to go after each and every one of your dreams....
huger than huge love.....your friend sending you hugs through the computer, kandee

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Cheap Valentine's Day Ideas!

what's say's Valentine's Day and love more than hearts and homemade craft!
Anyone can buy a card or flowers or chocolates....
but if you make a card of Valentine's'll be as one-of-a-kind as you are!

How to Make an AWESOME Valentine's Day Card:
Buy some cardboard heart shapes (I got the glittery hearts above at Wal-Mart)...
write on the back in in a fun hot pink Sharpie pen...and -voila!
You just created an awesome card and Valentine's decoration in one!
BONUS: you can even buy a heart shaped lollipop (like the ones in the picture that I got from Wally World, too) and tape your "giant heart card" onto the lollipop!

The BEST VALENTINE's day gift! (cheap and you can make it yourself!)
The World's Best Chocolate Cupcakes!

I cannot tell you the deliciousness of these cupcakes! They are simply amazing! I have been known to eat an entire tray of a dozen! ha ha ha

Watch below (as we make cupcakes with tons of love!)
(i hope this picture makes you smile..ha ha ha)

Hope you have a day filled with love and cupcakes! Who needs a Valentine when you have cupcakes as good as these! ha ha ha ha

huge cupcakes and super huge love from my heart to yours....
love your friend, kandee

Saturday, February 12, 2011

How to grow happiness and saturday morning with Kandeeeeee!

this is the look of happiness even in though my body feels more like "Sleepless in Seattle"...except that I'm no where near Seattle! ha ha ha

My random thoughts on tv right now: since I've watched more tv since I'm awake all night with baby, than I think I have in years...I am now fully caught up on on "reality-ness"...and man, I have to seems to like to enjoy to showing how awful, rude, and mean people can be...
it's almost like the worse people are the more popular the show is! this is so sad...and makes me feel awful seeing people being so mean and rude.
there should be a channel that shows fun, positive, nice people...that can still be cool and hip and stylish, but just nice and kind to other people...something that makes you feel better after you've watched it!

Here's some wise words everyone should have taped on their mirror (ha ha ha):
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

imagine how great our days would be if everyone we talked to said kind, inspiring things....and didn't say anything rude, sarcastic, or mean!?!

this is a dare...or rather this is our mission, if you choose to accept it:
today (go crazy..make it everyday)...stop yourself when you start to say anything that isn't positive, kind, or anything slightly gossip-y....
and only say things that have a positive spin, are kind, happy and encouraging.....
watch how YOU will not only feel happier...but so will everyone that is around you!
they will leave happier for having talked to you!

so let's get out there...especially all of you because I'm not really leaving my house much with the new baby...ha ha ha...and spread some kindess...and extra "thank you so much" or "have an awesome day!"....or real compliment to brighten someone's day up!

you are wonderful and the happiness in your heart is like a flower with seeds that are waiting to be thrown all grow more happiness in other people's hearts!

go our there gorgeous and shine that beauty that's inside....your friend, kandee

Friday, February 11, 2011

What are YOU doing on Valentine's Day?!?

(here's my lil' heart melter, Blake, with his Valentine's Day card from Auntie AKA my sister, Tiffany!)

Yep, it's that time again...Valentine's day....

some of us may be feeling a little lonely if we don't have a "special" someone....
but some of the "loveliest" things I have heard have been from friends and even my mom or if you don't have a "valentine" don't worry, your valentine can be anyone that loves you! Not just a potential spouse..ha ha ha

I am pouring love onto each one of you reading this right now...

AND i thought it would be fun to share fun, funny, or amazing Valentine stories- so post we can all share in the Valentine funny-ness!

I'll start with one of my funniest Valentine's...years ago, my boyfriend at the time, took me to Little Ethiopia in LA...we at a really good Ethiopian place, sat on funny little saddles....where he gave me an old pocket watch as a present....then went to a Reggae music store...I don't know if that's funny or just interesting! ha ha ha

Let's brighten up our upcoming Love & Hearts sharing your funny or interesting Valentine's Day stories below in the comments....I can't wait to read your stories!

huge boxes of chocolate and here's a flower for you too!
 (one of my favorite flowers, Stargazer Lilies!)
love your friend, Kandee

Thursday, February 10, 2011


I remember when I cut all my hair off...
I heard people say mean things about me...just based on what they thought about me..without even really knowing me...and sometimes it hurt my feelings...

 Feelings are WAY too fragile to let them run our happiness or sadness factor!

Feelings can be hurt if someone looks at us funny, something is said in a "not-nice" tone, someone is rude to us, someone shows us one of their fingers pointing up to the sky in traffic...
or maybe you live with someone who slings hurtful things at you, tears you down, or gives you more attitude than a character from a reality show...
maybe you work with someone mean...go to school and deal with bullies and mean people who not only say hurtful things, but make up things about you that aren't true...
maybe you can't help it that you have family members that are not the nicest! ha ha ha


You are not what you FEEL....
You are what you THINK and KNOW!

You are wonderful....unique, there is no one else like you in the whole world...
and you are loved beyond all that you can imagine!
(if no one else has told you enough to day.....please hear me say, "I LOVE YOU! And I believe in all that you want to be!")

We can NOT be ruled by our feelings! Feelings are too sensitive! ha ha ha
sometimes we wake up and might not feel like going to work or school...
BUT you can't just go with your feeling!

sometimes we feel like just eating ice cream instead of dinner...
but that feeling is not the best decision for our health!
ha ha ha

sometimes we don't feel like cleaning....
but if we don't we'll have a big mess on our hands!

we can't go around letting our feelings rule...
let other people rule our feelings by letting them effect us.

Sometimes I have felt like giving up on something that was seeming to be too hard...
but you know what...???

I said, "Nope! This feeling of hopelessness is not going to rule me...
I may FEEL hopeless...BUT I'm GONNA TAKE hold of my thoughts....and say, "No, we are hope filled!" I don't care how bad things look!

Don't let anyone tell you, you are anything less than AMAZING...nothing SHORT of INCREDIBLE,
and no one has SEEN the awesome things that you ARE GOING TO  DO in this LIFETIME!
I don't care hold old you are, where you live, what you look like, how you dress, or what anyone..a doctor, teacher, friend, enemy, family member, boyfriend or girlfriend, husband or wife or even a stranger has told you!

Our feelings would tell us:
"well since they did that to me....I'm gonna do this to them!"
that is not working or acting in love....
God would tell us...
"especially because they did that to you, you need to show them even more love"
and that is what not following our feelings can do!
You showed me hate....and I'll show you love!

(and start right now in this second to START thinking GREAT thoughts about yourself and your future!)

Feelings are like the wind..they change before you even figure out which way they are blowing... the sun that you know is constantly shining, even if it's hidden behind the clouds...
it's still there shining brightly!

love and less feelings...more bright, sparkling thinking,
your friend, kandee